Academy of the Ancient Arts

An Earth Temple
Celebrating the life and beauty in this realm.
The lunar cycles and seasonal changes are rhythms we follow,
bringing the balance and wisdom of nature.
Free to name our Gods, Goddesses, angels or totems, without judging others’ paths.
Vowed to live our lives with harm to none and goodwill to everyone.
We honor the four Directions - Elements, and the balance between the Masculine and the Feminine.
Here to love this realm!
To love and care for the Earth, Each other, Our animal friends, the air, water, rocks and fire,
Even the unseen that co-exist among us.
A lawful ministry of the Universal Life Church.

Be Blessed & Blessed Be!

Lunar Rituals at the Sanctuary
Celebrate the Lunar Cycles and the Energy they hold!
Click Lunar Images for more information.
Full Moon - March 13 at Moonrise (lunar Eclipse)
Celebrate the Full moon! Make Holy Water.
Waning Moon - March 22 at 2pm
Sacred Fire to burn away ickies.
New Moon - March 29 at 10 am
Setting intentions for the lunar cycle ahead.
Waxing Moon - March 6 at 2pm
Bring a candle to carve and bless.
Spring Equinox Celebration

At the Shingletown Sanctuary
March 20 @10 am
Ceremony for Balance and Blessing the seeds

Using forces of Earth, Air, Water and Fire,
Lunar Energies and Solar Power
with harm to none and goodwill to all

Please Enjoy!
Click Calendar symbols for more information

2025 Academy Calendar

May the East bless you with Breath!
May the South bless you with with Light!
May the West Waters refresh your heart with kindness and love!
May the North bless you with sacred dreams.
With harm to none and goodwill to all!
Debi LeFaye

Blessings from the Shingletown Sanctuary! We are so very blessed!!! As February is tomorrow, we will be celebrating Imbulc this Sunday. Velvet is bred with 2 on the way and Breezy with one kid ... at least according to the sonogram :) We have had surprises :) We are now making essential oils and hydrosol as well as nut oils so everything is harvested from the sanctuary! How yummy is that! The rosemary plant made amazing oil! The tipi has been so blessed with ritual and love, and spirit is directing me on painting the 4 directions (mt Shasta at Night in the North :) Book 3 Early Lessons from Grandma is in the works! I will be sharing book 1 - Mirror Magic at the Barnes and Nobles on Feb 8. May it bless many! Chaz and I are happy and blessed ... I hope you are as well :) Be Blessed and Blessed Be, Debi
Early Lessons from Grandma Book 1 & 2 are now AVAILABLE!
Click image for more info
With great joy I share these lessons from Grandma that have blessed me so much.
May they bless each reader and bring joy to their lives.
I am now working on Book 3. A Special Day of Sharing Smiles.​
New animated, Audio Lessons sharing sacred truths around the wheel!
Now for Sale!!!
It's so fun ... like a pop up book!
Please enjoy the intro for free!
Click image for more info
Free Intro!!!
Check out the January post for the lyrics.
copyrighted 2022

The Sanctuary is Open for:
HighDay Ceremonies, Lunar Rituals and Festivities, Workshops and in person Readings.
Be Blessed & Blessed Be,