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Writer's pictureDebi LeFaye

Lammas Day!!!!

Blessings Everyone!!!!

We have soooo much to be grateful for this Lammas Day!

Our Sanctuary was (is) close to the Park Fire. We had evacuation warnings, level 2. The fire was under 10 miles away. We moved the goats to our wonderful breeder, Bev and Chaz's tools in the brat to his friend Anthony's house. We were generously blessed with donations and got an RV to move out if needed (her name is Nala). It was a sacred journey getting her, with many kindnesses and magic along the way. A shout out to Kirsten for her water song and power filled ceremony.

Today on Lamas Day the evacuation warning has been lifted!!!!!!

We have much to be thankful for!

We are still keeping ready and safe.

We are also purchasing our Tipi Tomorrow!!!!!

A special thanks to Everyone who has contributed!

We will be doing a 4 day special gathering over the Fall Equinox!

More to come about the event in the next email :)

This Lammas Ceremony will be filled with

Great Fullness for all the blessings at the Sanctuary!

May your Lammas Day be BLESSED!!

In the East with clean breath, clear air

in the South with fire loved and kind

In the West with waters flowing, blessing, cleansing

In the North with true wealth.

with harm to none and goodwill to all.

Be Blessed & Blessed Be,

Debi LeFaye

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04 de ago.

It has been such a gift to be part of the remembering Balance and Gratitude and Love during this time of fires and floods. I can hardly wait to be with you all for Equinox to feel even more the Balance together. <3.

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